To make an appointment, call at 514-943-5463

State-of-the-art services offered by our clinic:
  • Kinesitherapy
  • Cranial Technique
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Acupuncture
  • Fasciatherapy
  • Massage therapy
Our strengths:
  • Over 20 years of experience
  • Competent and skilled therapists
  • Personalized service
Areas of intervention

Our large customer base comes from :

  • Montréal
  • Laval
  • Rive-sud
  • Anjou
  • Montréal-East

The Caroline Laporte & Co. clinic performs lymphatic drainage by using the Vodder method in Montreal, near Laval and Montreal East.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder and Leduc)

Its function:

  • Pump water from the body (interstitial liquid)
  • Main immune response
  • Transport of dietary fats
  • Detoxification by draining metabolic waste

The therapist performs pumping motions that activate the skin, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels to accelerate lymph evacuation (water). This technique is used to reduce congestion and is an excellent tool to not only reduce water retention but also control inflammation and promote healing. It is also used in hospitals in the treatment of lymphedema, especially following breast or lymph node surgery.

Lymphatic drainage, Vodder method Montréal

Lymphatic drainage to stimulate the immune system.

Personalized assistance

At Caroline Laporte & Co. clinic, you'll find drainage techniques suited to your needs and your expectations. We offer the best manual therapies based on knowledge and skill. We build a relationship of trust with our clients to better work together and to quickly achieve our goals. We are attentive to all changes, and we adjust our actions to your body responses. Our goal is to help you regain autonomy and to have the privilege to see you in top physical and psychological condition, and to be able to say "mission accomplished!"

Lymphatic drainage, Vodder method Laval

We are highly proficient in Lymphatic drainage.

Request an appointment now. Contact the Laporte & Co. clinic.

Lymphatic drainage is used against inflammation, digestive disorders, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, fibromyalgia, water retention and swelling (edema).

Appointment / Contact

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